Benefits of Self-Employment
Let’s face it; outsourcing has been a growing trend for some time now, even withstanding the changing economy. As organizations become leaner, they increasingly look to agencies that specialize in recruiting and referring independent professionals to fill needs for specific types of professionals. This is particularly true for specialized and hard-to-fill roles in healthcare, human services and special education.
While this concept may seem scary, it can definitely work to your advantage in creating a work and life balance. Take advantage of this trend by pairing with a reputable referral firm and letting the opportunities come to you.
Here are some of the main advantages that self-employment can give you:
New Skills, Knowledge and Experience
Pursuing self-employment opportunities is perhaps the easiest way to break into a new field or industry. Use these opportunities to boost your resume quickly. Recent grads, just looking to break into a new freelancing career, or returning to the world of work — self-employment may be the most efficient route.
Avoid Gaps In Your Resume
It’s an unfortunate fact that those who are actively working tend to get viewed more favorably than those who are unemployed. Employers and clients are always curious about gaps within a work timeline. So, better to explain that you were pursuing self-employment than why you were looking for work.
Build Your Professional Network
In today’s job market, not enough can be said about the advantages of networking. A recent Federal Reserve Bank of New York study, stated that referred candidates were twice as likely to get interviews, and 40% more likely to be engaged than those “cold applying.” So, look at it as an opportunity to connect with professionals in your field who may be able to provide a referral later.
Income Security
No job is guaranteed. However, building up a good reputation with an industry recognized referral agency is a way to take control of your financial destiny. You can break into a new industry, grow your existing business, or obtain freelance opportunities between permanent positions. It also is a great way to maintain or grow your income. Independent contracting can increase or subsidize your income for short or long term goals (college, vacations, home ownership, etc.).
Explore Your Options
Perhaps one of the best parts of self-employment is its flexibility that allows you to try different jobs and work environments. Understanding how to tailor your search for specific types of client opportunities increases your chances for longevity moving forward. The key is finding the right fit for your needs, and abilities.
Client referrals through Delta-T Group can meet to your needs, goals and schedule. Trying different roles and work environments before committing to a career change can save you both time and money. For people new to an area, or just looking for short-term freelance work, this is a great way to earn a living without permanent commitments.